GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION PARTING AND GROOVING 90° MOUNTING MACHINING • The insert must be mounted 90° to the workpiece to obtain • Consistency of speed and feed improves performance perpendicular surfaces to minimize vibration. • Apply coolant abundantly (excluding Ceramic AB30) • Secure insert into clean pockets • On a conventional lathe, lock the carriage to prevent axial motion during parting-off 90°±10´ USAGE • Replace worn inserts immediately. The price of a new insert is much less than the risk of damage from continuing with a worn edge. • Replace blades having worn or damaged pockets • Never try to repair damaged pockets SET-UP • The center height of the insert should be maintained CHIPBREAKER within ±0.004"The parting operation should be as close to the The function of the chipbreaker is a controlled removal of the chips chuck as possible from the cutting range. Therefore the width of the chips are reduced by the chipbreaker. Chips with reduced width have the following advantages • Eliminates friction with groove walls • Prevents chip overload ±(0.004") • Permits higher feeds • Produces unscratched surfaces, eliminating additional facing Curling chips into compact spirals or breaking chips simplifies Center height disposal. Curling is affected by the chipbreaker type and themachining conditions. SELECTING PREFERENCE PRIORITY • Use insert with 0° lead angle. • Use largest blade size as possible • Use smallest appropriate width of cut MOUNTING OF INSERT Insert clamping Extractor for Blades (EDG-23B, EDG-33B) 1349