TRM HSB Ø 2.5 ~ 22 MICROMETRIC TRM 32 HSB RPM 20.000 2 m TRM 50 HSB RPM 20.000 3 6 8 9 1. %RG\ 2. Slide toolholder 3. Expanding radial pin 4. Micrometric vernier scale 5. Slide clamp screw 6. Coolant outlet Max BAR 40 7. Tools clamp screws 8. Oiler 9. Tool 4 1 5 7 2 The TRM HSB heads can be balanced and are suited 7KHDGMXVWPHQWVHQVLWLYLW\RIPLFURQRQWKHUDGLXVLV WRKLJKVSHHGPDFKLQLQJ7KH\DOORZKLJKSUHFLVLRQ HDVLO\UHDGDEOHRQWKHYHUQLHUVFDOHDQGFDQDOVREH PDFKLQLQJDQGH[FHOOHQWVXUIDFHĺQLVKLQIT6 grade of performed on the machine. The TRM HSB are coated tolerance. with an anticorrosive surface protection. TRC HS Ø 2.5 ~ 22 CENTESIMAL TRC 32 HS RPM 12.000 10 m TRC 50 HS RPM 12.000 5 6 8 9 1. %RG\ 2. Slide toolholder 3. Expanding radial pin 4. Vernier scale 5. Slide clamp screw 6. Coolant outlet Max BAR 40 7. Tools clamp screws 8. Oiler 9. Tool 3 1 4 7 2 The TRC HS heads are balanced and are suited to high- 7KHDGMXVWPHQWVHQVLWLYLW\RIPLFURQRQWKHUDGLXVLV VSHHGPDFKLQLQJ7KH\DOORZKLJKSUHFLVLRQPDFKLQLQJ HDVLO\UHDGDEOHRQWKHYHUQLHUVFDOHDQGFDQDOVREH DQGH[FHOOHQWVXUIDFHĺQLVKLQIT7 grade of tolerance. performed on the machine. TRE 32-80 69K Ø 2.5 ~ 200 MICROMETRIC TRE 32 - 50 RPM 20.000 2 m TRE 63 - 80 RPM 12.000 10 9 8 7 6 1. Expanding radial pin 2. %RG\ 3. Set screw 4. Slide toolholder 5. Bit holder 6. Tools clamp screws 7. Coolant outlet Max BAR 40 8. Slide clamp screw 9. %DWWHU\FRPSDUWPHQWFRYHU 10. Oiler 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 11. 'LJLWDOGLVSOD\12. Selection button The TRE heads allow high precision machining and The TRE are coated with an anticorrosive surface H[FHOOHQWVXUIDFHĺQLVKLQIT6 grade of tolerance. protection and are resistant to liquid contamination 7KHDGMXVWPHQWVHQVLWLYLW\RIPLFURQRQWKHUDGLXVLVIDVW according to the IP69K grade of protection. DFFXUDWHDQGLVHDVLO\UHDGDEOHRQWKHLQWHJUDWHGGLVSOD\ 25