TRD 25-80 Ø 28 ~ 160 CENTESIMAL TRD 25 - 32 RPM 10.000 10 m TRD 40 - 50 RPM 8.000 8 5 6 TRD 63 RPM 6.000 TRD 80 RPM 5.000 1. %RG\ 2. Slide toolholder 3. Expanding radial pin 4. Vernier scale 5. Slide clamp screw 7 6. Coolant outlet Max BAR 40 7. Tools clamp screws 8. Oiler 9. Bit holder 3 1 4 2 9 The TRD double-bit heads allow combined roughing and The serrated surfaces between the bit holders and the tool ĺQLVKLQJPDFKLQLQJZLWKIT7 precision. KROGHUVOLGHJXDUDQWHHULJLGLW\DQGWKHDGMXVWPHQWVHQVLWLYLW\ RIPLFURQVRQWKHUDGLXVLVHDVLO\UHDGDEOHRQWKHYHUQLHU scale and can also be performed on the machine. TRM 16-125 Ø 2.5 ~ 500 MICROMETRIC TRM 16 - 20 RPM 12.000 TRM 63 RPM 6.000 2 m TRM 25 - 32 RPM 10.000 TRM 80 RPM 5.000 TRM 40 - 50 RPM 8.000 TRM 125 RPM 4.000 3 5 6 4 3 8 9 1. %RG\ 7 2. Slide toolholder 3. Expanding radial pin 4. Micrometric vernier scale 8 5. Slide clamp screw6. Coolant outlet Max BAR 40 10 7. Tools clamp screws8. Oiler 9. Bit holder 4 1 5 6 2 9 7 10. Tool holder 1 2 The TRM heads allow high precision machining and 7KHDGMXVWPHQWVHQVLWLYLW\RIPLFURQRQWKHUDGLXVLVHDVLO\ H[FHOOHQWVXUIDFHĺQLVKLQIT6 grade of tolerance. readable on the vernier scale and can also be performed in the machine. The TRM are coated with an anticorrosive surface protection. TRC 14-80 Ø 2.5 ~ 200 CENTESIMAL TRC 14 - 20 RPM 12.000 10 m TRC 25 - 32 RPM 10.000 TRC 40 - 50 RPM 8.000 TRC 80 RPM 6.000 8 5 6 TRC 80 RPM 5.000 1. %RG\ 2. Slide toolholder 3. Expanding radial pin 4. Vernier scale 7 5. Slide clamp screw6. Coolant outlet Max BAR 40 7. Tools clamp screws 8. Oiler 9. Bit holder 3 1 4 2 9 The TRC heads allow high precision machining and 7KHDGMXVWPHQWVHQVLWLYLW\RIPLFURQRQWKHUDGLXVLV H[FHOOHQWVXUIDFHĺQLVKLQIT7 grade of tolerance. HDVLO\UHDGDEOHRQWKHYHUQLHUVFDOHDQGFDQDOVREH performed on the machine. 24