TurningMillingDrillingTechnicalInformationIndex Machining group General turning Recommended cutting data A Turning insert, positive Starting values for cutting speed vc [m/min] BL BH Brinell Material group Composition / structure / heat treatment hardness YCB121 YCB131 YCB211 HB Feed rate [mm] Feed rate [mm] Feed rate [mm] 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,4 approx. 0,15 % C annealed 125 1 approx. 0,45 % C annealed 190 2 Unalloyed steel approx. 0,45 % C tempered 250 3 approx. 0,75 % C annealed 270 4 approx. 0,75 % C tempered 300 5 P annealed 180 6 B Low-alloyed steel tempered 275 7tempered3008 tempered 350 9 High-alloyed steel and high-alloyed annealed 200 10 tool steel hardened and tempered 325 11 ferritic/martensitic annealed 200 12 M Stainless steel martensitic tempered 240 13 austenitic quench hardened 180 14 austenitic-ferritic 230 15 perlitic/ferritic 180 16 1330 905 410 Grey cast iron perlitic (martensitic) 260 17 1100 740 330 K Cast iron with spheroidal graphite ferritic 160 18 - - - perlitic 250 19 240 180 100 C Malleable cast iron ferritic 130 20 - - - perlitic 230 21 240 180 100 cannot be hardened 60 22 Aluminium wrought alloys hardenable hardened 100 23 ≤ 12 % Si, cannot be hardened 75 24 N Cast aluminium alloys ≤ 12 % Si, hardenable hardened 90 25 > 12 % Si, cannot be hardened 130 26 machining steel, PB> 1% 110 27 Copper and copper alloys(bronze/brass)CuZn, CuSnZn 90 28 CuSn, Pb-free copper, electrolytic copper 100 29 annealed 200 30 Fe-based alloys hardened 280 31 D Heat-resistant alloysS Ni or Co bass annealedhardened 250 3235033 cast 320 34 pure titanium Rm 400 35 Titanium alloys α and β alloys hardened Rm 1050 36 hardened and tempered 55 HRC 37 220 170 130 160 120 100 Hardened steel H hardened and tempered 60 HRC 38 200 160 120 150 120 100 Hard cast iron cast 400 39 200 150 100 180 120 100 Hardened cast iron hardened and tempered 55 HRC 40 200 150 100 150 120 100 Thermoplasts 41 Thermosetting plastics 42 X Non-metallic materials Plastic, glass-fibre reinforced GFRP 43 Plastic, carbon fibre reinforced CFRP 44 E Graphite 45 Wood 46 Note: The given cutting values are guide values, which were determined under ideal conditions. The values have to be adapted in individual cases. For examples of material for cutting tool groups view page D22. A 334