1 b 5 TurningMillingDrillingTechnicalInformationIndex a Technical information – drilling Technical information Solid carbide reamers A Terminology 2 1.Nominal diameter 3 2.Chamfer length 3.Entry angle 4.Cutting edge length 5.Shank diameter 6.Total length 4 6 B a.Cutting edge thickness b.Core diameter Reaming is semi-finishing and finishing of a previously formed hole within a narrow tolerance for higher surface quality, perfect roundness, cylindricity, etc.. To achieve a precisely reamed hole, the right choice of reamer and reamer diameter is important. In addition to that, the bore tolerance, the material and the machining conditions need to be taken into account. Furthermore the bore quality is strongly influenced by the radial run-out of the cutting tool. C Diameter tolerance/Allowance Cylindricity Straightness D Roundness Vertical deviation Off centre E C173