General TurningParting & Grooving Allgemeine DrehbearbeitungAb- & Einstechen ØI.C 2o Lamax Workpiece Material Werkstoffe YBC252 YBC251 YBG105 YBG102 YB9320 YBG205 YBG202 YBG302 YD101 YD201 TGuenrenrailnTugrn·ingD/Arellghemeenine Drehbearbeitung, ISO Kennzeichnung Parting & Grooving · Ab- & Einstechen QC seriers grooving insert / QC-Serie Stechplatten Ideal Machining ConditionGute Bearbeitungsbedingungen Normal Machining Condition Unfavorable Machining Condition Normale Bearbeitungsbedingungen Ungünstige Bearbeitungsbedingungen Steel S Stahl Stainless Steel Rostfreier Stahl Cast iron Gusseisen Non-ferrite material right hand style S1 Ne Metalle A Rechtsausführung Heat-resistant steelWarmfester StahlDimension (mm)Abmessung UncoatedCVDPVDCarbide unbeschicht.Hartmetall Type Typ S±0.025 Lamax R/C ØI.C S1 ød QC11R120-R02 1.20 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11L120-R02 1.20 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11R125-R02 1.25 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11L125-R02 1.25 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11R145-R02 1.45 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11L145-R02 1.45 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11R150-R02 1.50 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11L150-R02 1.50 1.50 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11R200-R02 2.00 2.00 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11L200-R02 2.00 2.00 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11R225-R02 2.25 2.00 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC11L225-R02 2.25 2.00 R0.2 6.35 3.18 2.8 ● ○ QC16L075-R01 0.75 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ QC16R075-R01 0.75 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ QC16R080-R01 0.80 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ QC16L095-R01 0.95 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ QC16R095-R01 0.95 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ QC16L100-R01 1.00 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ QC16R110-R01 1.10 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ ● QC16L110-R01 1.10 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ● ● QC16R115-R04 1.15 2.00 R0.4 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ ○ QC16L120-R01 1.20 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ ○ QC16R120-R01 1.20 2.00 R0.1 9.525 3.18 4.4 ○ ○ QC16R125-R02 1.25 2.00 R0.2 9.525 3.18 4.4 ● ○ QC16L125-R02 1.25 2.00 R0.2 9.525 3.18 4.4 ● ○ The code of other size for your order, for example: QC22R160-R03 if S±0.025=1.60mm, ØI.C=12.70mm and cutting edge with R=0.3mm Der Bestellnummernschlüssel: z.B.QC22R160-R03 liegt eine S±0.025=1.60mm, ØI.C=12.70mm und einen Schneideckradius R=0.3mm fest. T o o l h o l d e r / Klemmhalter QC Serie S***-QC**R/L* Page / Seite A323 ● ex stock · ab Lager ○ on demand · auf Anfrage A 300