TurningTurning GroovingGrooving MillingMilling DrillingDrilling Grade Coating CVD Coating Grade MaincompositionThick-ness/ μmApplica-tion Feature T6215NewP10 - P30TiCN-Al2O3 8M10 - M30 - Demonstrates excellent wear resistance for high speed continuousstainless steel cuts T3225P20 - P35TiCN-Al2O3 10M20 - M35 - High chipping and fracture resistance- Suitable for milling steel and stainless steel T1215K10 - K25TiCN-Al2O3 10 - Good balance between wear and chipping resistance- Suitable for milling cast iron New T505K05 - K20TiCN + Al2O3 23 - The best grade with high wear resistance for high speed machining ofcast iron PVD Coating Grade MaincompositionThick-ness/ μmApplica-tion Feature AH120 P15 - P25 - Good balance between wear and fracture resistance M15 - M25 (Ti, Al)N 3 - Suitable for machining steel, stainless steel, and cast iron under general K15 - K30 cutting conditions S10 - S25 AH130 - High chipping and fracture resistance P25 - P40 (Ti, Al)N 3 - Designed for machining austenitic stainless steel under general cutting M25 - M40 conditions New AH715P15 - P30 (Ti, Al)N 5M15 - M30 - Ideal grade for end milling with the latest nano-multilayered PVD coating- Exclusive substrate with a good balance of wear and fracture resistance AH725 P15 - P30 - Good balance between wear and chipping resistance M15 - M30 (Ti, Al)N 2 - Suitable for machining steel and stainless steel under general cutting K25 - K30 conditions S15 - S25 New AH6225 - First choice for stainless steel P20 - P30 (TiAI)N-Ti(C,N) 5.5 - Excellent versatility for stainless steel machining, demonstrates a good M20 - M30 combination of wear and fracture resistance New AH6235P30 - P40(TiAI)N-Ti(C,N)5.5M30 - M40 - Demonstrates superior fracture resistance in stainless steel- Provides high reliability for interrupted cuts and heavy-duty machining AH7025 P20 - P30M20 - M30(Ti, Al)N 3.5 - Excellent wear resistance and high rigidity- First choice for grooving of various materials S15 - S25 AH750H15 - H30 (Ti, Al)N 3 - High wear resistance- Designed for milling high-hardened material AH8005M01 - M10(Al,Ti)N 3.5S01 - S10 - Good resistance to wear and adhesion- Excellent performance in machining heat-resistant alloy at high speed AH8015 - Good balance between wear and fracture resistance M10 - M20 (Al,Ti)N 3.5 - First choice for machining heat-resistant alloy under general cutting S10 - S20 conditions AH3225P20 - P35(Ti, Al)N 5M20 - M35 - Good balance between wear and fracture resistance- Suitable for steel and stainless steel 8 NEW PRODUCTS