LH H HHBH CWHFOAH Grooving & Parting TUNGALOY GROOVE ACCELERATED PARTING AND GROOVING BLADE QSP Blades for external deep grooving and parting B LF CUTDIA Designation CW CUTDIA Seat size H B LF HF QSP26-2D 2 50 2 26 1.8 150 21.1 QSP32-2D 2 66 2 32 1.8 150 24.5 QSP26-3D 3 75 3 26 2.4 150 21.1 QSP32-3D 3 120 3 32 2.4 150 24.5 QSP26-4D 4 80 4 26 3.2 150 21 QSP32-4D 4 120 4 32 3.2 150 24.4 QSP32-5D 5 120 5 32 4 150 24.4 TOOL BLOCK CTBU To o l block for QSP blades B OAL OAW Designation H BladeBOALLHHBHOAHOAW(Optional) CTBU20-26 20 21 86 21.4 9 43 38 QSP26... CTBU25-26 25 23 110 21.4 5 45 43 QSP26... CTBU20-32 20 19 100 24.8 13 50 38 QSP32... CTBU25-32 25 23 110 24.8 8 50 42 QSP32... CTBU32-32 32 29 110 24.8 5 54 48 QSP32... Tungaloy 15