D-Thread Holder .A\V/ SR Modular Head (U Style) Applications SR Modular Head (U Style) Applications Thread Application for Full Profile Inserts (ISO, UN, NPT & API Round) Thread Application for Full Profile Inserts (ISO, UN, NPT & API Round) ToolholderTool holderCuttingDiameterPitchD2(mm)Min.Thread Dia. Cylindrical orConicalPre-DrilledholeCylindricalPre-DrilledholePI Round, Cylindrical orAPI Round,Conical Pre-Drilled HoleConical(for cylidrical 2 radialPre-Drilled Holepasses 50%/50%; foronlyconical one radial pass(one pass)ToolholderTool holderCuttingDiameterPitchD2(mm)Min.Thread Dia. Cylindrical orConicalPre-DrilledholeCylindricalPre-DrilledholePI Round, Cylindrical orAPI Round,Conical Pre-Drilled HoleConical(for cylidrical 2 radialPre-Drilled Holepasses 50%/50%; foronlyconical one radial pass(one pass) Adjusted D2 mm TPI ISOCoarseUN/UNF/ UNEF/UNS NPT Threading by 1Radius Pass NPT Threading by 2 Radial Passes (50%/50%) Thread Dia. Adjusted D2 mm TPI ISOCoarseUN/UNF/ UNEF/UNS NPT by Threading 1Radius Pass NPTThreading by2 Radial Passes(50%/50%)Thread Dia. 13.80 1.5 M16X1.5 30.00 1.5 M33X1.5 13.60 2.0 M16x2.0 29.85 2.0 M34x2.0 13.70 14SR0015 -11U - M0613.6012S/8-14UNS11/1fi-12UN 29.94 14 l3/8-14UNS29.851215/ -12UN16 14.59 14 V2-14NPT;3/4-14NPT15.791.5M18xl.5 SR0031-11U - M12 30.63 11.5 ^lV -USNPT;lVj-ll.SNPT;2-11NPT 15.60 2.0 M18x2.0 SR0017-11U-M08 15.69 14 3/4-14UNS15.60123/4-12UN 1.66...3.5X10APIRD(for TBG; UPTBG; 15.60 14 3/4-14NPT 29.44 10 UP TBG Long; 19.69 1.5 M22X1.5 Integral-Joint TBG) 19.50 2.0 M22X2.019.60147/8-14UNFSR0021-11U-M0819.50127/ -12UN820.50143/4-14NPT20.2811.51-11.5NPT; 1V4-11.5NPT;35.6511.5l1/.,-11.5NPT;2-11.5NPTSR0031-11U - M1235.6582V2..10-8NPT 1V4-11.5NPT; 2.375...13.375x8APIRD 1V2-11.5NPT; (for CSG; TBG; UP TBG; 8.625...20x8APIRD 2-11NPT 34.70 8 UP TBG Long); (for LCSG) 21.65 1.5 M24X1.5 4.5...5.5X8APIRD (for LCSG) 21.50 2.0 M24X2.0 21.49 14 1-14UNS 41.15 11.5 'lV -ll.SNPT; 21.50 12 1-12UNF 41.15 8 2-11.5NPT 21/r.10-8NPT 1-11.5NPT; 2.875...20x8APIRD (for SR0023-11U-M10 ' l1/ -11.5NPT; SR0031-11U - M12 CSG; TGB; UP TBG; 8.625X8APIRD 22.63 11.5 1V2-11.5NPT;2-11NPT 40.20 8 UP TBG Long);4.5...7.625X8APIRD(for LCSG) 1.05xl0APIRD (for UPTBG; (for LCSG) 21.44 10 UP TBG Long);1.315...2.375x10APIRD (for TBG; UP TBG;UPTBG Long; * Correct the toolholder cutting diameter D2 according to adjustment, as indicated in the above table.** When the pre-drilled hole for 8NPT is conical, the thread can be machined in one pass. Integral-Joint TBG) 25.64 1.5 M28X1.5 25.45 2.0 M30x2.0 25.54 14 1V8-14UNS 25.45 12 1V8-12UNF 1-11.5NPT; 1V -11.5NPT; 4 26.23 11.5SR0027-11U-M12 1V2-11.5NPT;2-11NPT 1.315...2.375X10APIRD (for TBG; UP TBG; 24.94 10 UPTBG Long; Integral-Joint TBG) * Correct the toolholder cutting diameter D2 according to adjustment, as indicated in the above table. ** When the pre-drilled hole for 8NPT is conical, the thread can be machined in one pass. 369 370