Mill-Thread Solid Carbide A\ 4' NPT60°NATIOANL PIPE ISO 60°METRIC ap r ap? w ' (1)D dh6 2 D dh6 iWL Screw Application: Steam, gas and water pipes Screw •Application: General engineering Designation(External / Internal)TPI NPT Dimensions(mm) No. ofInserts Bore Dia.dDapL Designation(Internal) Pitch Mcoarse Mcoarse Dimensions(mm) No. ofInsertsBore Dia.dDapL SMTB 06059C10 27NPT 27 1/I6"x27 6 5.90 9.9 50 3 6.3 SMTZ 06048C12 l.OOISO 1.0 M6xl.O M8- M40xl.0 6 4.80 12.5 50 3 5.0 08076C10 27NPT 27 l/8"x27 8 7.65 9.9 60 3 8.5 10087C23 l.OOISO 1.0 MIOxl.O 10 8.70 20.5 75 3 9.0 10099C14 18NPT 18 l/4"xl8 10 9.90 14.8 75 3 11.1 12107D24 l.OOISO 1.0 M12xl.O 12 10.70 24.5 75 4 11.0 12111D14 18NPT 18 3/8"xl8 12 11.15 14.8 75 4 14.5 08065C16 1.25ISO 1.25 M8xl.25 8 6.50 16.9 60 3 6.8 16142D19 14NPT 14 1/2", 3/4"xl4 16 14.25 19.0 100 4 17.0,23.0 10082C20 1.50ISO 1.5 M10xl.5 M12- M48X1.5 10 8.20 20.3 75 3 8.5 20196D23 11.5NPT 11.5 1",11/4", 1 1/2", 2"xll.5 20 19.60 23.2 100 4 29.0,37.7,44.0, 56.0 10099D24 1.50ISO 1.5 M12X1.5 10 9.90 24.80 75 4 10.5 20196D33 8NPT 8 2 1/2", 3"x8 20 19.60 33.3 100 4 66.5,82.1 12119D29 1.50ISO 1.5 M14X1.5 12 11.90 29.30 75 4 12.5 14139D32 1.50ISO 1.5 M16X1.5 14 13.90 32.30 75 4 14.5 16160E33 1.50ISO 1.5 M20X1.5 16 16.00 33.80 100 5 18.5 10099D25 1.75ISO 1.75 M12X1.75 10 9.90 25.40 75 4 10.2 10099C27 2.00ISO 2.0 M14x2.0 10 9.90 27.00 75 3 12.0 BSPT 55°BRITISH STANDARD PIPE 12118D27 2.00ISO 2.0 M16X2.0 M17- M80X2.0 12 11.80 27.00 75 4 14.0 16150E33 2.50ISO 2.5 M20X2.5 16 15.00 33.80 100 5 17.5 ap P D (D dh6 i iWL •Application: General engineering fttings and pipe couplings Designation(External / Internal)TPI BSPT Dimensions(mm) No. ofInserts Bore Dia.dDapL SMTB 06059C10 28BSPT 28 1/I6"x28 6 5.90 10.2 50 3 6.7 08076C10 28BSPT 28 l/8"x28 8 7.60 10.2 60 3 8.7 10099C15 19BSPT 19 l/4"xl9 10 9.90 15.4 75 3 11.8 12111D15 19BSPT 19 3/8"xl9 12 11.15 15.4 75 4 15.2 16142D22 14BSPT 14 1/2", 3/4"xl4 16 14.20 22.7 100 4 19.0 16160D28 11BSPT 11 1",1 1/2", 2",2 l/2"xll 16 16.00 28.9 100 4 30.7 20196D28 11BSPT 11 1",1 1/2", 2",2 l/2"xll 20 19.60 28.9 100 4 30.7 395 396