By Applicationø40mm ø5mm Flank Wear Width (mm) Rz (mm) No. of Workpieces (pcs)No. of Workpieces (pcs) For SmallLathesNon-FerrousHardenedMetalSteelExotic AlloyCast IronStainlessSteelSteelInsert Grades Chipbreaker and Grade Selection Guide For Small Lathes Grade AC1030U Employs a new PVD coating, and a dedicated tough carbide substrate. High-quality cutting edge grade suppresses adhesion and micro-chipping, realizing excellent machined surface quality. Performance A AC1030U 100mm Wear Resistance Machined Surface Roughness 0.045 2.5 Conventional Tool Competitor's Product 0.040 2.0 Competitor's Product0.035AC1030U1.5 Conventional Tool 0.030 AC1030U 1.0 0.025 0.020 0.5 0.015 0 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 Work Material: SUS304 Insert: DCGT11T302R-FY Cutting Distance (No. of Passes) Cutting Distance (No. of Passes) Cutting Conditions: vc=100m/min, f=0.05mm/rev, ap=0.1mm Wet (Oil-based) Application Examples [STKM12C-EC Pipe] [S45C Shaft Stator] 200 AC1030U (1,700pcs) Conventional Tool (1,650pcs) 140 100 70 Breakage Rz0.3 Rz>0.45 0 AC1030U Conventional Tool Insert: CCGT060201L-FX Insert: VCGT110302R-FX Cutting Conditions: vc=196m/min, f=0.04mm/rev, ap=0.4mm Cutting Conditions: vc=195m/min, f=0.12mm/rev, ap=0.175-0.25mm Wet [SUS304 Body Valve] [SUS430 Sensor Housing] 2,000 AC1030U (1,500pcs) Competitor's Product (1,000pcs) 1,600 1,000 800 No Chips Clinging to Tool Chips Clinging to Tool 0 AC1030U Conventional Tool Insert: VCGT110301R-FY Insert: DCGT11T304MN-FC Cutting Conditions: vc=31.5m/min, f=0.025mm/rev, ap=0.2mm Wet Cutting Conditions: vc=50m/min, f=0.06mm/rev, ap=0.2mm A25