Depth of cut (mm) Coated CarbideCoated Carbide GoodEdge SharpnessCoated CarbideCoated CarbideCarbide Wavemill Series Inserts for WEX Type WEX1000 Type Expansion New - Efficient machining via high number of inserts - Precise insert change tolerance provides high surface roughness qualitiy - High shoulder accuracy due to optimized cutting edge - Stable cutting conditions when utilising low rigidity machines - Economic advantages using small AXMT06 inserts WEX3000 WEX2000 WEX1000 Application Range Chipbreaker Selection Shoulder Milling S L G E EH H Cutting Edge Strength High Feed rate per tooth (mm/t) Characteristics Work Material Steel, Cast Iron Stainless Steel, Exotic Alloy Aluminium L G H E EH S Chipbreaker Features Low Cutting Force General Purpose Strong Edged General Purpose Strong Edged High Rake Chipbreaker Profile for 1000 Series 25° 25° 15° Insert Chipbreaker Profile for 2000 Series 28° 20° 17° 17° 27° Insert Chipbreaker Profile for 3000 Series 25° 20° 5° 14° 8° 30° Insert Application Light cut,low rigidity millingand reduced burrsMain chipbreakerRoughing,general purposeheavy interrupted andto interrupted millinghardened steel millingLight cuttingto general purposeHeavy interruptedmachiningAluminium,non-ferrous metal Grade Selection CVD PVD ISO Grade Finishing to Light Cutting Medium Cut Rough to Heavy Cutting ISO Grade Finishing to Light Cutting Medium Cut Rough to Heavy Cutting H21 Endmills Indexable