ACP200 ACK300 ACM100 ACM200 ACM300 Ød±0,025 Milling Cutters Wave Radius Mill New RSX(F)10000/12000/16000/20000RS Various Machining Use Various types of processing, such as mould engraving, slant milling and helical processing. Helical Milling Ramping Recommended Values for Helical and Ramping Helical Milling Use at α° or lower Helical Taper ø Insert Cat. No. Cutter Work Diameter Ramping ØDc AngleMin.Optimal ØMax.α°(max) 25 33,0 40 49 10°30‘ 32 46,0 54 63 6°45‘ RDET10... 40 62,0 70 79 4°30‘ 50 82,0 90 99 3°15‘ ≤ Work Diameter 52 86,0 94 103 3°10‘ ø 32 41,5 52 63 12°30‘4057,568798°00‘ Center uncut portion cannot 50 77,5 88 99 5°30‘ be removed by traverse cut-ting with the same cutter. RDET12... 52 81,5 92 103 5°15‘63103,51141254°00‘66109,51201313°45‘ 80 137,5 148 159 2°50‘ 100 177,5 188 199 2°10‘ ≥ Work Diameter 63 96,0 110 125 6°00‘ ø RDET16... 80 130,0 144 159 4°10‘100170,01841993°00‘ Center uncut portion can be 125 220,0 234 249 2°20‘ removed by traverse cuttingwith the same cutter. NewRDET20...80 122,0 140 159 4°15‘100162,01801993°00‘125212,02302492°00‘ 160 282,0 300 319 1°15‘ Inserts Application Grade High Speed/Light Cut General Purpose PM Roughing PM KNewNewCat. No. Dimens. ApplicableØd(IC)SCutters Ød±0,025 s±0,025 RDET 10T3M0EN G10T3M0EN H ll ll ll ll ll 1010 3,973,97RSX(F) 10000RS Cutting Edge Cross Section RDET 1204M0EN G1204M0EN H ll ll ll ll ll 1212 4,764,76RSX(F) 12000RSRDET 1606M0EN G1606M0EN Hllllllllll16166,56,5RSX(F) 16000RSG - TypeH - Type RDET 2006M0EN GNew2006M0EN Hll ll ll ll ll 2020 6,56,5RSX(F) 20000RS M0: IC is metric Spare Parts Wrench Screw Applicable Cutters RSX(F) 10000RSRSX(F) 12000RSTRDR15IP BFTX03584IPBFTX0409IP 3,03,0 RSX(F) 16000RS TRDR20IP BFTX0511IP 5,0 RSX(F) 20000RS TRDR25IP BFTX0615IP 5,0 Recommended Cutting Conditions Min.-Optimum-Max. ISO Work Material Hardness Cutting Speedvc (m/min) Feed Rateft (mm/t) Grade P Carbon SteelAlloy Steel 180-280HB 100-160-200 0,20-0,40-0,60 ACP200180-280HB100-140-1800,20-0,30-0,40ACP200 Cr Ferritic 200HB 150-180-200 0,15-0,25-0,35 ACM300 Stain- Based Martensitic 200-330HB 80-120-180 0,15-0,25-0,35 ACM300 M lessSteelCr-NiBased AusteniticAustenitic, ferriticPrecipitation hardening200HB 150-180-200230-270HB80-120-180330HB60-100-1600,15-0,25-0,35 ACM3000,15-0,25-0,35ACM2000,15-0,25-0,35ACM200 K Cast Iron 250HB 80-120-160 0,10-0,30-0,40 ACK300 Heat resistant alloy Ni based materialSTitaniumPure Titaniumα + β alloy system250-350HB 20- 30- 40(Rm400)60- 80-100(Rm1050)40- 50-600,10-0,20-0,300,10-0,20-0,300,10-0,20-0,30ACM100ACM200 G23