Grooving & Parting-Off Grooving Tool Holders GNDL / GNDLS Type External Deep Grooving and Cut-Off GNDL External Grooving External Cut-Off Spare Parts Above figures show right hand tools. Holders Cat. No. StockR L Dimensions (mm) GroovingWidth(mm)Max.Groov.Depth(mm)Max.Cutt-OffDiahbL1fh1L2war(mm)ApplicableInsert CapScrew Span-ner GNDL R/L 2020 K 1.2516 New l l 20 20 125 20 20 38,0 1,25 16 32 GCM N125005 GF GNDL R/L 2020 K 1.516 New lGNDL R/L 2020 K 220lGNDL R/L 2020 K 320lGNDL R/L 2020 K 425lGNDL R/L 2020 K 525lGNDL R/L 2020 K 625 GNDL R/L 2525 M 1.2516 New lllllllll20202020202020202020202012520125201252012520125201252020202020202038,01,50163244,52,00204044,53,0020(18)4050,04,0025(23)5050,05,0025(23)5050,06,0025(23)50GCM N150005 GFGCM GCM GCM GCM GCM NN□□□5623400000-----□□□□□□□□□□2525150252540,01,251632GCM N125005 GF GNDL R/L 2525 M 1.516 New lGNDL R/L 2525 M 220lGNDL R/L 2525 M 320lGNDL R/L 2525 M 425lGNDL R/L 2525 M 525lGNDL R/L 2525 M 625lGNDL R/L 3225 P 320GNDL R/L 3225 P 425GNDL R/L 3225 P 525GNDL R/L 3225 P 625GNDL R/L 3225 P 725GNDL R/L 3225 P 825GNDL R/L 3232 P 320lGNDL R/L 3232 P 425lGNDL R/L 3232 P 525lGNDL R/L 3232 P 625lGNDL R/L 3232 P 725lGNDL R/L 3232 P 825lllllllllllll25252525252532323232323232323232323225252525252525252525252532323232323215025150251502515025150251502517025170251702517025170251702517032170321703217032170321703225252525252532323232323232323232323240,01,50163244,52,00204044,53,0020(18)4050,04,0025(23)5050,05,0025(23)5050,06,0025(23)5044,53,0020(18)4050,04,0025(23)5050,05,0025(23)5050,06,0025(23)5050,07,0025(23)5050,08,0025(23)5044,53,0020(18)4050,04,0025(23)5050,05,0025(23)5050,06,0025(23)5050,07,0025(23)5050,08,0025(23)50GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM N150005 GF NNNNNNNNN□□□□□□□N5656856787234343400000000000000000-----------------□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ BX0520 BX0520 BX06205,06,06,0LH040LH050LH050 Select holders and inserts with the same grooving width (w). Dimensions in parentheses are for applications that use copying inserts (RG type breakers). External L-Styled (Side Cut) Grooving GNDLS External Grooving External Spare Parts Above figures show right hand tools. Holders Grooving Max. Groov. Cat. No. Stock Dimensions (mm) Width Depth(mm)(mm)Applicable Cap Span- R L h b L1 f h1 L2 w ar Insert Screw ner GNDLS R/L 2020 K 216 l l 20 20 125 38 20 25 2,0GNDLS R/L 2020 K 316ll20201253820253,0GNDLS R/L 2525 M 218ll25251504525252,0GNDLS R/L 2525 M 318ll25251504525253,0GNDLS R/L 2525 M 423ll25251505025254,0GNDLS R/L 2525 M 523ll25251505025255,0GNDLS R/L 2525 M 623ll25251505025256,016161818232323GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM □□□□□NN56232340000000-------□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ BX05205,0LH040 Select holders and inserts with the same grooving width (w). F22 l = Euro stock= Japan stock Recommended Tightening Torque (N·m)