Grooving & Parting-Off Grooving Tool Holders GNDM / GNDMS Type External Multi-Purpose Type (Grooving, Turning, Profiling) GNDM External Grooving External Cut-Off Use for multi-purpose or profiling Spare Parts insert for turning (wide grooves). Above figures show right hand tools. Holders Cat. No. StockRL Dimensions (mm) GroovingWidth(mm)Max.Groov.Depth(mm)Max.Cutt-OffDiahbL1fh1L2war(mm)ApplicableInsert CapScrew Span-ner GNDM R/L 2020 K 1.2510 New l l 20 20 125 20 20 34,0 1,25 10 20 GCM N125005 GF GNDM R/L 2020 K 1.510 New lGNDM R/L 2020 K 210lGNDM R/L 2020 K 312lGNDM R/L 2020 K 418lGNDM R/L 2020 K 518lGNDM R/L 2020 K 618GNDM R/L 2525 M 1.2510lNewll2020125202034,01,5010l2020125202033,62,0010l2020125202036,63,0012l2020125202045,04,0018l2020125202045,05,0018l2020125202045,06,0018l2525150252536,01,2510202024363636GCM N150005 GFGCM GCM GCM GCM GCM □□□NN5623400000-----□□□□□□□□□□20GCM N125005 GF GNDM R/L 2525 M 1.510 New lGNDM R/L 2525 M 210lGNDM R/L 2525 M 312lGNDM R/L 2525 M 418lGNDM R/L 2525 M 518lGNDM R/L 2525 M 618lGNDM R/L 3225 P 312GNDM R/L 3225 P 418GNDM R/L 3225 P 518GNDM R/L 3225 P 618GNDM R/L 3225 P 718GNDM R/L 3225 P 818GNDM R/L 3232 P 312lGNDM R/L 3232 P 418lGNDM R/L 3232 P 518lGNDM R/L 3232 P 618lGNDM R/L 3232 P 718lGNDM R/L 3232 P 818lllllllllllll2525150252536,01,25102525150252533,62,00102525150252536,63,00122525150252545,04,00182525150252545,05,00182525150252545,06,00183225170253236,63,00123225170253245,04,00183225170253245,05,00183225170253245,06,00183225170253250,07,00183225170253250,08,00183232170323236,63,00123232170323245,04,00183232170323245,05,00183232170323245,06,00183232170323250,07,00183232170323250,08,0018202024363636243636363636243636363636GCM N150005 GF BX0520GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM □□□□□□NNNNNNNNNNN5678256567834343400000000000000000-----------------□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ BX0620 BX06205,06,06,0LH040LH050LH050 Select holders and inserts with the same grooving width (w). External L-Styled (Side Cut) Multi-Purpose Type (Grooving, Turning, Profiling) GNDMS External Grooving External Spare Parts Use for multi-purpose or profiling insert for turning (wide grooves). Above figures show right hand tools. Holders Grooving Max. Groov. Cat. No. Stock Dimensions (mm) Width Depth(mm)(mm)Applicable Cap Span- R L h b L1 f h1 L2 w ar Insert Screw ner GNDMS R/L 2020 K 310 l l 20 20 125 32 20 25 3,0GNDMS R/L 2020 K 412ll20201253420254,0GNDMS R/L 2020 K 512ll20201253420255,0GNDMS R/L 2525 M 312ll25251503925253,0GNDMS R/L 2525 M 414ll25251504125254,0GNDMS R/L 2525 M 514ll25251504125255,0GNDMS R/L 2525 M 614ll25251504125256,010121212141414GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM GCM □□□□NNN55634340000000-------□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ BX05205,0LH040 Select holders and inserts with the same grooving width (w). F20 l = Euro stock= Japan stock Recommended Tightening Torque (N·m)