Parting-Off Grooving & Grooving Tool Holders GND Type Identification Details – Holders GND M R 25 25 (M) - (T) 3 12 ( - 0 3 5 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Series Symbol Holder Design Shank Width / Work Dia. Type Max. Grooving Depth GND Chart 3 Chart 5 Internal Grooving Chart 8 Application Shank Height / Dia. Shank Length Insert Width Min. Machining Dia. Chart 2 Chart 4 Chart 6 Chart 7 (mm) 2 Application 33 Holder Design 4 S4hank Height / Diameter 5 5Shank Width / Work Dia. Symbol Application Symbol Direction Application Symbol Height(mm) Application Symbol Width(mm) S External Multi-Purpose Grooving / Cut Off /Turning / ProfilingR Right External/ 10 10 External/ 10 10 M External Multi-Purpose Grooving / Cut Off /Turning / ProfilingLExternal GroovingGrooving / Cut OffLLeftFace1212Face 12 12Grooving(Shank1616Grooving(Shank1616 MS External L-Styled (Side Cut)Multi-PurposeGrooving / Turning /Profiling Height) 20 20 Width) 20 2025252525 Internal 25 25 Internal 32 32 LS External L-Styled (Side Cut)Deep GroovingGrooving Grooving(Shank32 32 Grooving(Shank40 40Diameter)4040Diameter)5050 I Internal Grooving Grooving / Turning /Profiling F Face Grooving Grooving / Turning /Profiling 6 Shank Length 8 Insert Width 9 Max. Grooving Depth Symbol Length (mm) Symbol Groov. Width (mm) Symbol Groov. Depth (mm) JX 120 1,25 1,25 06 6 K 125 1,5 1,5 10 10 M 150 2 2,0 11 11 P 170 3 3,0 12 12 4 4,0 12,5 12,5 5 5,0 18 18 6 6,0 20 20 7 7,0 21 21 8 8,0 25 25 To ensure maximum rigidity, use the multi-purpose type holder to machine the maximum grooving depth. Identification Details – Inserts G C M N 30 02 GG - (05) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Series Symbol Tolerance Insert Width Nose Radius Chipbreaker Front Angle Grooving M Class Symbol Groov. Width (mm) Symbol R (mm) Symbol Application 05 : 5° 125 1,25 005 0,05 MG Multi-Purpose: General Feed 150 1,5 02 0,2 ML Multi-Purpose: Low Feed Front ReliefAngle Insert Design 20 2,0 04 0,4 GG Grooving: General Feed C: 7° Symbol Direction 30 3,0 08 0,8 GL Grooving: Low Feed N NeutralRRight HandLLeft Hand40506070 4,05,06,07,0 15 1,5 GF Grooving: Low Cutting Forces202,0CGCut-Off252,5RGCopying: General Feed303,0RNMulti-Purpose: General Feed 80 8,0 GA Multi-Purpose: General Feed F15