External Holders for neg. Inserts Dimensional Shift (mm)Dimensional Shift (mm) Insert External Tool Holders Tool Holders for neg. Inserts CN_ _ D Type (Double Clamp) Characteristics Insert is clamping firmly for improved fracture resistance. High indexing accuracy improves machining accuracy. Insert can be changed from below the holder. Suitable for high efficiency machining and inter- rupted cutting in hardened steel. Clamp Mechanism Index Accuracy Comparison (Length Wise) Secured in two directions and supported by two faces. D Type Tool Holders 0,02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0,02 No. of Indexes Lever Lock 0,02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -0,02 Insert can be changed from below the holder. No. of Indexes General Turnin- g and Facing Inserts Eg. DCLN u CNMG 120408 N–GUv CNMG 160608 N-GU w CNMM 190612 N-HG N-GU CNMM 250924 N-HU Spare Parts Holders Above figures show right hand tools. Ordering No. Stock Dimensions (mm)RLhh1bl1l2f Clamp Spring Clampbolt Shim ShimScrew Wrench Wrench DCLN R/L 2020 K12 l l 20 20 20 125 32 25DCLN R/L 2525 M12ll2525251503232 SCP-2 5,0 BFTX0409NCNS1204TRX15(*)3,4LH040LH025u DCLN R/L 2525 M16 l l 25 25 25 150 32 32DCLN R/L 3232 P16ll3232321703240 SCP-3 5,0 BFTX0509NCNS1606TRX20(*)5,0LH040LH025v DCLN R/L 3232 P19 l l 32 32 32 170 42 40DCLN R/L 4040 S19ll4040402504250 SCP-5 5,0 BFTX0511NCNS1906TRX20(*)5,0LH040LH025w DCLN R/L 4040 S25 l l 40 40 40 250 53 50 BFTX0615NSCP-66,0CNS25097,5TRD25(*)LH060 (*) Note: Wrench (TRX / TRD) for shim clamp screw is not included. D12 l = Eurostock q = Delivery on request Recommended Tightening Torque (N·m)