Boring Bar Selection Guide Colored sections: manufacturable sizes (without oil hole) D: In stock H : with oil hole in stock Application Shank type boring Applicable Minimum bore diameter (mm) Tool type depth (L/D) inserts Tooling Steel Carbide Vibration control type/shape 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 34 35 40 44 50 54 63 70 B-SVQB SVU □ Type / SVQ □ B-SVUB –6 D D → E39, E41 Type C-SVQB –8 D D C-SVUB → E39, E41 S-SVZB Expanded –3 D D D D D → E43 35 diamond type S-SVZC Expanded –3 5 positive (with hole) D D D D D → E44 7 positive (with hole) B-SVZB –6 D D → E43 C-SVZB –8 D D Profiling → E43 S-DDQN –3 D E → E35 S-DDUN –3 D D D Boring → E35 Bars D-DDUN Expanded –6 H H → E35 S-PDUN Expanded –3 D D D D D → E36 S-EDUN –3 55 diamond D D [BDUN] → E36 negative (with hole) S-PDZN Expanded –3 D D D D → E37 S-EDZN –3 D D [BDZN] → E37 S-DTR55C –3 D D → E37 Specialized T-REX insert S-SWUB –3 D D D D [BBPW] → E55 5.5 C-SWUB –8 D [WBPW] → E55 Trigon type 5.5 S-SWUP Expanded 5 positive (with hole) –3 11 positive (with hole) D D D → E57 S-SSKP –3 D D D D [BBPS] → E49 Through Boring C-SSKP –8 Square D D [WBPS] → E49 11 positive (with hole) S-SSKC Square –3 7 positive D D D D → E52 (with hole) S-CSKP Square –3 11 positive D D → E50 (without hole) S-DSKN Expanded –3 D D D D → E53 S-PSKN Expanded –3 D D D D D D → E53 S-PSYN –3 D → E54 Square S-ESKN –3 negative (with hole) D D [BSKN] → E54 S-ESYN –3 [BSYN] → E54 The type codes in [ ] are old type codes. 6 8 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 34 35 40 44 50 54 63 70 E7