MOLD FINISH MASTER Radius SUMIDIA Binderless Radius Endmills Hard Brittle Ballnose SUMIDIA Binderless Ballnose Endmills Hard Brittle r NPDRS Type Material R NPDBS Type / NPDB Type Material ■ General Features ■ Hardness SUMIDIA Binderless is a type of polycrystalline diamond, produced by directly binding nano-order diamond grains without using any binders. SUMIDIA SUMIDIA Binderless is harder than single-crystal diamond and Binderless No anisotropy and ultra-hard has no cleavability. Therefore, it enables machining of hard, brittle materials such as carbides and enables new machining methods. Single Hardness depends on face orientation Crystal Diamond ■ Characteristic Conventional PCD ・SUMIDIA Binderless is a pure diamond, but unlike single-crystal Load 4.9N diamonds, has no anisotropy. Therefore, it displays excellent 0 50 100 150 wear resistance with less uneven wear. Knoop Hardness HK(GPa) ・Thanks to its polycrystalline structure, SUMIDIA Binderless has no cleavability peculiar to single-crystal diamonds and displays excellent fracture resistance. ●Hemispherical Surface Milling ①NPDB Type ②NPDBS Type ●Pocket Millimg Ra 0.017μm Ra 0.060μm ③SDCB Type (SUMIDIA Coated) ④Electroplated Grinding Wheel Ra 0.078μm Ra 0.110μm Work Material : Carbide AF1(Ultra-fine Grain Carbide) Work Material : Carbide AF1(Ultra-fine Grain Carbide) Conditions : 10mm×10mm×Depth 2mm Conditions : ø6 (Hemispherical Surface Milling) I Tool : NPDRS1100R005-030 Tool : ①NPDB1050-020 Cutting Conditions : n=40,000min-1, vf=200mm/min ②NPDBS1050-020 Endmills pf=0.005mm, Oil Mist ③SDCB2R050-020 Surface Roughness : Ra 0.015μm ④R0.5, #400 Cutting Time : 2 hours Cutting Conditions : n=40,000min-1, vf=120mm/min pf=0.005mm, Oil Mist Square Cutting Time : 1 hour 30 minutes 2 Flutes ●Application to Medical Use ( μ-TAS Mold) ●Application to Optical Use (Fly-Eye Lens Mold) 3 Flutes 4 Flutes 6 Flutes 8 Flutes Radius Ballnose DLC SUMIDIA Coat Long 1mm Neck 1mm Uncoated CBN Work Material : Carbide AF1(Ultra-fine Grain Carbide) Work Material : Carbide AF1(Ultra-fine Grain Carbide) PCD Tool : NPDB1030-010( 0.3) Tool : Finishing NPDB1050-020( 0.5) Cutting Conditions : n=38,000min-1, vf=95mm/min Roughing Diamond-Coated Endmill ( 0.5) pf=0.001mm, Wet(Oil based) Cutting Conditions : n=60,000min-1, vf=300mm/min Machining Allowance : 0.003mm pf=0.005mm, Oil Mist Surface Roughness : Ra 0.016 - 0.020μm Surface Roughness : Ra 0.015μm Cutting Length : 8.3m Cutting Time : Finishing 2 hours 40 minutes Cutting Time : Finishing 1 hour 28 minutes Roughing 55 minutes I17