Drilling Tools tCCouuottlttiisnngg Tools Organisation Of The Catalogue Quick overview for easy ordering How to find what you are looking for! Please note: The catalogue is partitioned into tool categories The meaning of the sign behind 1 to 6 plus 9: the quotations: 1 Cutting, Chipping, Moulding  = Standard stock 2 Clamping, Chucking 98 % availability 3 Gauging, Inspecting 4 Filing, Grinding, Sawing  = Available on request 5 Screwing, Mounting, Levelling + = Prices exclusive trans- 6 Sorting, Storing port and packaging 9 Industrial Supply Example You are looking for taps. Tool Category 1 ➜ Taps and dies are cutting tools ➜ Cutting Tools ➜ Cutting tools = tool category 1➜Taps = product line 13 Product line10Drilling Tools1 10/121 10/152 10/156 10/159Pages 10/16 to 10/159 Product line 11 C`sink and Deburring Tools You will be able to find your desired tool  11/161  11/167  11/175  11/175 Pages 11/160 to 11/176Product line easily via the product line overview 12 Reamers at the beginning of each tool category.  12/178  12/181  12/191  12/192 Pages 12/177 to 12/193Product line ➜ 13 Taps  13/209  13/250  13/251  13/252 Pages 13/194 to 13/252 Product line 14 Dies  14/253  14/257  14/257  14/257 Pages 14/253 to 14/257 Product line The catalogue number 15 Bore Drills  15/259  15/263  15/264  15/265 Pages 15/258 to 15/265 Product line The catalogue number, too, is directly related StoutbhelasnudbddivrisililonHoSfSth9e0t°ool groups. 16 HSS/HSSE End Mills 130050 = Tool Category130050= Product Line  16/266  16/272  16/275  16/277 Pages 16/266 to 16/277Cat. no.PN/mm²KHBProduct line17Solid Carbide End Mills104000<850<300  17/287 17/293 17/320 17/327Pages 17/278 to 17/328 130050 = Structured Catalogue Number vc = m/min.10400016-3220-32 Product line18 Knurling Tools Design:  18/334  18/338  18/338  18/339 Pages 18/329 to 18/343Product line Ordering procedure 10 - relived cone- drill point thinning from 2.50 mm- steam tempered  19/344  19/349  19/351 19 Lathe Tools 19/353Pages 19/344 to 19/357 It is that easy to order - only 3 entries are neeUFodsreec:dor:e bores to DIN 336, through bores www.precitool.de to 10/3 ➜ Quantity DIN EN 20273 and and countersinkings 90° ➜ Catalogue number 104000 PRECITOOL, type N, core drilling ➜ Size for threads 104000 d 1mm d 3mm l l1 2mmmm l 3mm d 2mm femalemm/U M3  2�5 3�4 70 39 8�8 3�4 0�025 - 0�040 M4M5  3�3 4�5 80 47 11�4 4�5 0�040 - 0�0634�25�5935713�65�50�050 - 0�080d1 (h9) M6  5�0 6�6 101 63 16�5 6�6 0�050 - 0�080 M8  6�8 9�0 125 81 21�0 9�0 0�063 - 0�100 Piece Catalogue no. Size M10  8�5 11�0 142 94 25�5 11�0 0�080 - 0�125 M12  10�2 13�5 160 108 30�0 13�5 0�100 - 0�160 1 104000 M12 Cat. no. PN/mm² KHB www.p1r04e05c0ito