turningInsert selectionOverviewNegative insertsPositive insertsPCD insertsHeavy machiningExternal ToolholdersInternal ToolholdersAutomatic LathesSpare PartsTechnical Data symbol with holewith hole Symbol symbol with holewithout hole ISOANSI turningInsert selectionOverviewNegative insertsPositive insertsPCD insertsHeavy machiningExternal ToolholdersInternal ToolholdersAutomatic LathesSpare PartsTechnical Data iso pcd inserts code key Sistema de codificação para pastilhas de PCDCodificación para plaquitas de plaquitas de PCD PCD RANGE C * ANSI designation only C IC ANSI (Radius Designation is 00) H M m m ** Metric designation only R’s V’s D’s C’s S’s T’s W’s mm inch Symbol (Radius Designation is M0) d d SO135ºV Triangular inserts with a facet(secondary cutting edge) - 06 04 - 03 06 02 3,97 5/32 1,20 According to International Standard ISO 1832 - 2012(E)-0805040408L34,763/161,50“Indexable inserts for cutting tools - Designation” m (mm) d (mm) s (mm) Detailed dimension of M class insertInsert height Tolerances (mm) - 09 06 05 05 09 03 5,56 7/32 1,80 06** - - - - - - 6,00 0,236 P W A ±0.005 ±0.025 ±0.025 Inscrebed 06* 11 07 06 06 11 04 6,35 1/4 2,00 F ±0.005 ±0.013 ±0.025 circle 07* 13 09 08 07 13 05 7,94 5/16 2,50 C ±0.013 ±0.025 ±0.025 6.35 ±0.08 - - - - 08* - - - - - - 8,00 0,315 S L H ±0.013 ±0.013 ±0.025 9.525 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±0.11 ±0.10 ±0.13 09* 16 11 09 09 16 06 9,525 3/8 3,00 ISO mm ANSI inch E ±0.025 ±0.025 ±0.025 12.70 ±0.13 ±0.13 ±0.13 ±0.15 - 10** - - - - - - 10,00 0,394 01 1.59 1 0.062 G ±0.025 ±0.025 ±0.13 15.875 ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.18 - 12** - - - - - - 12,00 0,472 T1 1.98 1.2 0.078 T A J ±0.005 ±0.05~±0.13 ±0.025 19.05 ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.18 - 12* 22 15 12 12 22 08 12,70 1/2 4,00 02 2.38 1.5 0.094 K* ±0.013 ±0.05~±0.13 ±0.025 25.40 - ±0.18 - - - 15* 27 19 16 15 27 10 15,875 5/8 5,00 03 3.18 2 0.125 16** - - - - - - 16,00 0,63 T3 3.97 2.5 0.156 C B L* ±0.025 ±0.05~±0.13 ±0.025 31.75 - ±0.25 - - -M*±0.08~±0.20±0.05~±0.13±0.13Inscribed circle Tolerances (mm)19*33 23 19 19 33 13 19,05 3/4 6,00 04 4.76 3 0.18820**------20,000,787055.563.50.219 N* ±0.08~±0.20 ±0.05~±0.13 ±0.025 Inscrebed 25** - - - - - - 25,00 0,984 06 6.35 4 0.250 D K U* ±0.13~±0.38 ±0.08~±0.25 ±0.13 circle 25* 44 31 25 25 44 17 25,40 1,00 8,00 07 7.94 5 0.312 6.35 ±0.05 - - - - 31* 54 38 32 31 54 21 31,75 1 1/4 10,00 09 9.52 6 0.375 9.525 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.05 32** - - - - - - 32,00 1,26 12 12.70 8 0.500 E R As a rule, the sides of these inserts are as 12.70 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±0.08sintered. Tolerance differs with insert size,for the accuracy of class M, refer to the15.875±0.10±0.10±0.10±0.10±0.105 - Insert size symbol 6 - Insert thickness symbol table on the right. 19.05 - - - - ±0.10 F 1- Insert shape symbol 25.40 - ±0.13 - - ±0.1031.75-±0.20--±0.123 - Tolerances symbol11 T3 04AN T NM Z1 10 - Tip type A B C D E D C G W 3 2.5 1 T NM Z1 Z1 (1 tip) Z6 (6 tips)Z2 (2 tips)Z8 (8 tips) 3º 5º 7º 15º 20º Z3 (3 tips) FL (Full edge left) F G N P O Otherclearance angle D C G W Z4 (4 tips) FR (Full edge right) 2 - Normal clearance symbol Z5 (5 tips) O (other) 7 - Insert corner symbol 7.1* - Insert edges symbol 4 - Insert symbol ISO mm inch ANSI For inserts having secondary Type Hole type Chipbreaker Shape Type Hole type Chipbreaker Shape 00 Sharp nose 0 edges two digits are used: W Withoutchipbreaker G Round hole Chipbreaker onboth sides 01 0.10 .004 0.2020.20.0080.5 1st digit issecondary edge2nd digit issecondary edgesrelief angle8* - Cutting edge information 9 - Chipbreaker geometries040.40.0151A45ºA3ºShapeHoningSymbolNM Round hole 08 0.80 .032 2 D 60º B 5º one countersinkT(40º~60º) Chipbreakeron one side N - Withoutchipbreaker 12 1.2 .047 3 E 75º C 7º No honing F161.6.0624F85ºD15º202.0.0785P90ºE20ºWithhoningE A WithoutchipbreakerRound holeMChipbreakeron one side R - Chipbreakeron one sideX--- On request 24 2.4 .094 6 Z special F 25º282.8.1097G30º ChamfredNo honingT323.2.1258*only whenN0º00(inch orM0/Round insert0required.P11ºmetric)ZspecialChamfredwith honingS*only when required. C - 416 C- 417