Tool Solutions TURNING TOOLS A015 MC6000 Series A020A021A038MC5000 Series A017A023 ISO Insert Seriesfor Steel TurningP ISO Insert Seriesfor Cast Iron TurningK Pushing the boundaries of steel Reduced cycle times. turning. MC6015MC6025MC6035+ FP/LP MP/RP MC5005MC5015+ LK MK RK MC7000 SeriesMP7000 Series A016A022MS6015 D002 ISO Insert Seriesfor Stainless Steel TurningM PVD Coated Carbide Gradefor Carbon Steel TurningP A revolution in stainless steel turning. Series continues to evolve. Excellent resistance to notch wear with good The chip breaker made of the burr control. Outstanding tool life achieved mold makes the finished surface through high resistance to plastic deformation. very much improved. MC7015MC7025MP7035LM+ MM RMGM PR4