WF Stock 8 WF10 8 WF 8 B10 10(Clamp) BORING BARS SBH Square type holder CB type (Boring bar fits to a holder) 45° 20 L24 100 CG type (Boring bar fits to a holder) CT type (Boring bar fits to a holder) L24 L24 Dimensions (mm) E Order Number WF Maximum Tool Overhang L24(Recommended tool overhang when machining general steels)BMICRO-MINI TWINCBCGCTCBCG..RS-10CG..RS-20CTtypetypetypetypeCG..RS-10B CG..RS-20BtypeCRtypeCGCB·CGCtTy·pCeR CtTy·pCeRCBtypeCGtypeCTCRtypetypeClampScrewWrenchTorque(lbf-in) SBH1020R s 13 ─ ─ 6 ─ 24(6 ─ 10)─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 12.9 02RS(-B)02RS-0p(B)─ ─ ─ HSC04010HKY30R42(4.8N·m) SBH1030R s 14 13.8 13.8 8.5─22 (9─15) 13 ─ 17.5(14)14 ─ 16.5(15)13 ─17.5(14)11 ─ 19.5(12)1413.8 03RS(-B) 030pRS-pp(B)03RS-0p(B) 03RS-pp(B)0305RS-M403RS-M4(B)03RS-0103RS-01BHSC05012HKY40R84(9.5N·m) SBH1040R s 15 14.8 14.8 11─29.5(12─20)18 ─ 22.5(19)19 ─ 21.5(20)18.5 ─ 22(19.5)13 ─ 27.5(14)1514.7 04RS(-B) 040pRS-pp(B) 0407RS-M6 04RS-0104RS-0p(B) 04RS-pp(B)04RS-M6(B)04RS-01BHSC05012HKY40R84(9.5N·m) SBH1050R s 16 15.8 15.8 13.5─37(15─25)23 ─ 27.5(24)24 ─ 26.5(25)24 ─ 26.5(25)15 ─ 35.5(16)1615.6 05RS(-B) 051pRS-pp(B) 0510RS-M8 05RS-0105RS-0p(B) 05RS-pp(B)05RS-M8(B)05RS-01BHSC05012HKY40R84(9.5N·m) SBH1060R s 17 16.8 16.8 13.5─42(18─30)23 ─ 32.5(24)24 ─ 31.5(25)24 ─ 31.5(25)─ 17 16.5 06RS(-B) 061pRS-pp(B) 0610RS-M1006RS-0p(B) 06RS-pp(B)06RS-M10(B)─HSC05012HKY40R84(9.5N·m) SBH1070R s 18 17.8 ─ 13.5─52 28 ─ 38(21─35)(29)29 ─ 37(30)─ ─ 18 17.4 07RS(-B) 071pRS-pp(B)07RS-0p(B) 07RS-pp(B)── HSC05012HKY40R84(9.5N·m) * The MICRO-DEX and the MICRO-MINI cannot be fit to square holders. SPARE PARTS N001 TECHNICAL DATA P001 E037