BORING BARS WFWF BORING BARS SCREW CLAMP DIMPLE BAR aExcellent vibration resistance due to light dimple head.aChip disposal is improved by having two channels for chip is 3 to 6 times the diameter. M-FSCLC/P Heavy metal shank CCooinserts, Finishcoolant throughCPooinserts FP FinishFV FinishFM LightSV 95° KAPR (2) (2,2.5,3) (2) (2,2.5,3) KAPR GAMF LDRED H Light Medium Medium CBN/PCD DMIN GAMP 5° LF DCON LP MV MP Right hand tool holder shown. (2) (2,2.5,3) (2) (2,2.5,3) Stock Dimensions (inch) *1 Order Number Insert Number DCON LF LDRED WF H GAMF DMIN R L Clamp Screw Wrench CCpB M-FSCLCR/L-052-C a a CCpHCCpT 21.5pp .313 5.000 .703 .196 .281 12° .390 TS253 TKY08F CCpW M-FSCLPR/L-062.5-C a a CPMB 2.51.5p .375 6.000 .844 .227 .336 5° .450 TS3D TKY10F E CPMHM-FSCLPR/L-082.5-CaaM-FSCLPR/L-103-CaaCPMT2* CPMX2* CPGB2.51.5p32p.5008.0001.125.290.461.62510.0001.406.352.586 4° .580 TS3D TKY10F3.5°.700TS4DTKY15F M-FSCLPR/L-123-C a a CPGT *2 32p .750 10.000 1.688 .414 .711 2° .825 TS4D TKY15F **12 Clamp Torque (lbf-in) : TS253=8.9, TS3D=22, By changing the clamp screw, it is possible to TS4D=31 use the different insert. Please refer to page E011. S-FSCLP Steel shankcoolant throughCPooinserts FinishFV FinishR/L F LightSV FinishStandard 95° KAPR (2.5,3) (2.5,3) (2.5,3) (2.5,3) KAPR GAMF LDREDDMIN GAMP 5° LF HDCON MediumMV CBN/PCD Right hand tool holder shown. (2.5,3) (2.5,3) Stock Dimensions (inch) *1 Order Number Insert Number DCON LF LDRED WF H GAMF DMIN R L Clamp Screw Wrench S-FSCLPR/L-062.5-C a a CPMB 2.51.5p .375 6.000 .844 .227 .336 5° .450 TS3D TKY10F S-FSCLPR/L-082.5-C a a CPMH 2.51.5p .500 8.000 1.125 .290 .461 4° .580 TS3D TKY10F S-FSCLPR/L-103-CS-FSCLPR/L-123-C a aaa CPMT 2* CPMX2* CPGB32p32p.625 10.000 1.406 .352 .586 3.5° .700 TS4D TKY15F.75010.0001.688.414.7112°.825TS4DTKY15F S-FSCLPR/L-163-C a a CPGT *2 32p 1.000 12.000 2.250 .598 .937 0° 1.200 TS4D TKY15F **12 Clamp Torque (lbf-in) : TS3D=22, TS4D=31 By changing the clamp screw, it is possible to use the different insert. Please refer to page E011. Note 1) The insert photos are only examples. The letters refer to the chip breaker and the dimension refers to the inscribed circle. Note 2) When using insert with right and left hand chip breaker, please use left hand insert for right hand holder and right hand insert for left hand holder. CCpp type inserts A147─A155 a : USA Stock CPpp type inserts A156, A157 E006 CBN & PCD inserts B044─B047, B063