SMALL TOOLS StockHand WF2HF 2° BH CW SMALL TOOLS BACK TURNING TOOLS ( ) FOR GANG TYPE TOOL POSTS INCH STANDARD BTVH S10 KAPR KAPR LF 53° Right hand tool holder only. Dimensions (inch) * Order Number Insert Number D R H B LF HF WF2 S10 Clamp Screw Wrench BTVHR-062 a .375 .375 4.724 .375 .295 .335 NS251 NKY15R BTVHR-082 a BTVT 5375ppR-B .500 .500 4.724 .500 .295 .335 NS251 NKY15R BTVHR-102 a .625 .625 4.724 .625 .295 .335 NS251 NKY15R * Clamp Torque (lbf-in) : NS251=6.2 Note 1) Set the maximum depth of cut at under 30% of the effective cutting edge length (LE). INSERTS Order Number Coated Dimensions (inch) LE *VP15TFICSRELCW(inch) Geometry BTVT5375V5R-B R a .250 .125 .002 .020 .295 With Breaker BTVT537501R-B R a .250 .125 .004 .020 .295 REL AN 7° IC S LE * Numeric value set insert on holder. RECOMMENDED CUTTING CONDITIONS Work Material Hardness Grade Cutting Speed (SFM) Feed (IPR) P Carbon Steel · Alloy Steel 180HB─280HB VP15TF 165─490 .0004 ─.006 Free Cutting Steel ─ VP15TF 100─590 .0004 ─.006 M Stainless Steel < 200HB VP15TF 165─395 .0008 ─.004 N Non-Ferrous Metal ─ VP15TF 230─755 .0012 ─.006 a : USA Stock D018 <5 inserts in one case>