MEDICAL We provide cutting tools and total applications most suitable for machining of difficult-to-cut materials used in medical parts. 1 VQMHVRB I162 3 MT9015 A043 Vibration Control End LS/MS Breaker 1 3 2 Mills for MachiningDifficult-to-cut MaterialsInsert for Machining ofTitanium Alloy 2 MMS M098 HIP-SYSTEM Solid Carbide Drillsfor Stainless Steel3 MP9005/ A040 MP9015 4 4 VQ4SVB I158 LS/MS Breaker 3ISO Turning Inserts 4-Flute VibrationControl Ball End Mills for Difficult-to-cutMaterials 1 VQ4SVB I158 2 VQMHVRB I162 2 4-Flute Vibration Vibration Control End Control Ball End Mills Mills for Machining Difficult-to-cut Materials KNEE-SYSTEM 2 iMX-B4HV J030 For Difficult-to-cut Materials Exchangeable HeadEnd Mills 1 1 VF2WB I202 3 MFE M162 2 Flute IMPACT Solid CarbideMIRACLE Wide BallFlat Bottom Drills3 Nose End Mills 1 BONE PLATES 2 VQ4SVB I158 2 4-Flute Vibration Control Ball End Mills 1 MVS M006 2 MPXLRB Long Drill 4 Flute Corner 2 1 Solid Carbide Drillsfor Deep Drilling Radius, Short cutlength, Long NeckEnd Mills 3 2 VQXL I152 3-4 Flute Short cut SCREWS length, Long NeckEnd Mills 3 Tools for Small 3 Parts Machining 3 MP9005/ A040A043MP9015/MT9005VP15TF/VP20RTCutting OffF011F038 Back Turning D002GY Series for SwissSMB Breaker for LS/MS/FS-P/LS-P Style Lathes Back Turning Breaker PR14 ISO Turning Inserts for Difficult-to-cut Materials