DRILLING ── Stock VP15TF DP5010 DRILLING (EXCHANGEABLE HEAD) STAW Holder Dimensions (mm) Insert DC(mm)L/D Order Number LU LBX LH OAL LF DCON StockDC(mm)Order Number Wrench 15.5 * STAWN1550T STAWK1550TG s s 1.5 STAWSS1600S20 s 24 36.8 52.8 102.8 100 20 TIP10W 15.6 STAWN1560T sSTAWK1560TGs 15.7 STAWN1570T sSTAWK1570TGs 3 STAWSN1600S20 s 48 62.9 82.9 132.9 130 20 TIP10W 15.8 STAWN1580T sSTAWK1580TGs 15.5 15.9 STAWN1590T sSTAWK1590TGs 16.4 16.0 STAWN1600T sSTAWK1600TGs 5 STAWMN1600S20 s 80 92.9 117.9 167.9 165 20 TIP10W 16.1 STAWN1610T sSTAWK1610TGs 16.2 STAWN1620T sSTAWK1620TGs 8 STAWLN1600S20 s 128 140.9 160.9 210.9 208 20 TIP10W 16.3 STAWN1630T sSTAWK1630TGs 16.4 STAWN1640T sSTAWK1640TGs 16.5 * STAWN1650T STAWK1650TG s s 1.5 STAWSS1700S20 s 25.5 39.0 56.0 106.0 103 20 TIP10W 16.6 STAWN1660T sSTAWK1660TGs 16.7 STAWN1670T sSTAWK1670TGs 3 STAWSN1700S20 s 51 64.0 88.0 138.0 135 20 TIP10W 16.8 STAWN1680T sSTAWK1680TGs 16.5 16.9 STAWN1690T sSTAWK1690TGs 17.4 17.0 STAWN1700T sSTAWK1700TGs 5 STAWMN1700S20 s 85 98.1 123.1 173.1 170 20 TIP10W 17.1 STAWN1710T sSTAWK1710TGs 17.2 STAWN1720T sSTAWK1720TGs 8 STAWLN1700S20 s 136 149.1 169.1 219.1 216 20 TIP10W 17.3 STAWN1730T sSTAWK1730TGs 17.4 STAWN1740T sSTAWK1740TGs Note Note 1)2) The above dimensions (*) are for when Please contact us for any geometry that installing the is not in this inserts. catalogue (e.g. different diameter and length). M s : Stocked in Japan M202