DRILLING DCDCDCDC SIG 145°SIG 145°SIG 140°SIG 140° DCDCDCDC SIG 140°SIG 140°SIG 140°SIG 140° DCONDCONDCONDCONDCONDCONDCONDCON DRILLING (SOLID CARBIDE) MVE/MVS a New DP1020 grade provides excelent wear resistance with a unique wavy cutting edge sharpness and "TRI-Cooling technology" coolant holes which provides excelent chip evacuation. a Double margin available in 10×D, 15×D, 20×D, 25×D, 30×D, 35×D and 40×D for excellent straightness and surface finish. only MVS only MVS P M K N S H Steel Stainless Steel Cast Iron Non-ferrous Metal Difficult-to-Cut Materials only MVE MVE (External Coolant) PL LF Type1 LU LCF LH OAL PL LF Type2 LU LCF LH OAL MVS (Internal Coolant) PL LF Type3 LU LCF LH OAL PL LF Type4 LU LCF LH OAL PL LF Type5 LU LCF LH OAL PL LF Type6 LU LCF LH OAL PL LF M Type7 LU LCF LH OAL PL LF Type8 LU LCF LH OAL M012