Highly Rigid 6-corner Type and Economical 12-corner Type Inserts Body with Peripheral Cutting Edge Run-out Adjustable Mechanism Economical M-class insert can be used since run out is adjustable. * BMR Cutters - Non stock, produced to order only. engineering specials INSERT (inch) Cast IronWork MaterialK Cutting Conditions(Guide) :: Stable Cutting: General Cutting: Unstable Cutting Shape Order Number Grade Hand Stock IC S Geometry HNMX1206EN06-R MC5015 ‒ 6 s .500 .236 IC S L HNMX1206ER12-R MC5015 R 12 s .500 .236 IC S s : Stocked in Japan RECOMMENDED CUTTING CONDITIONS (inch) Work Material TensileStrength Grade vc(SFM) fz(IPT) ae K Gray Cast Iron < 350MPa MC5015 655 .008(490─820)(.004─.010) < .118 * With feed per cutter, settings are set small for finished surface roughness and large for ideal product life. L293 Cutting Edge INDEXABLE MILLING