Product Name · Shape APMX Features CutterDia. Work Material Page APX3000Shell Type a High accuracy, high quality vertical wall.a Low cutting force insert.a With through coolant holes. 1.811" Ø2.000" L106 90° KAPR APX4000 a Air / coolant through.a Low resistance insert and high rigidity body. a Ideal chip control. Ø.750" .591" a High wall accuracy can be produced by using this | L110 cutter and unique insert geometry. Ø1.500" 90° KAPR APX4000Long Cutting Edge a High accuracy, high quality vertical wall.a Low cutting force insert. 2.200" a With through air & coolant holes.3.300" Ø1.500"|Ø2.000" L120 90° KAPR APX4000Shell Type a High accuracy, high quality vertical wall.a Low cutting force insert..165"a With through coolant holes.Ø2.000"2.200"Ø2.500"L120 90° KAPR AXD4000 a Air / coolant through.a Low resistance insert. .583".610" a High balance quality.a Excellent wall accuracy.a Multi functional milling.Ø1.000"|Ø1.500" L156 90° KAPR AXD7000 a Air / coolant through.a Low resistance insert. .803".827" a High balance quality.a Excellent wall accuracy.a Multi functional milling.Ø1.250"Ø1.500" L166 90° KAPR BXD4000 a Air / coolant through.a Low resistance insert & high rigidity body.a The Anti Fly Insert mechanism guarantees secureØ1.000"L .591" high-revolution milling. | L176 Ø1.500" 90° KAPR AQX a Air / coolant through.a The center bottom cutting edge enables drilling .281" and end milling without prepared hole. Ø.625" | | L196 1.500" Ø1.500" 90° KAPR ARP a Air / coolant through.a Round Insert Cutter for Difficult-to-cut Material. .197".236" a High run-out accuracy when indexing inserts.a Solid clamping system.Ø1.000"|Ø2.000" L237 R KAPR L011 INDEXABLE MILLING