CLASSIFICATION (SIDE CUTTER) Product Name · Shape APMX Features CutterDia. Work Material Page VAS400 Side Cutter a Insert with 4 cutting edges secure clamping. a Excellent sharpness with low cutting resistance insert. a Holders can load all corner R. .449" Ø4.000" |.480"*Cutter bodies orders. are only available through special |Ø8.000" L088 90° KAPR VAS500 Side Cutter a Insert with 4 cutting edges secure clamping. a Excellent sharpness with low cutting resistance insert. a Holders can load all corner R. .606" Ø100 mm |.638"*Cutter bodies orders. are only available through special |Ø200 mm L092 90° KAPR VOS400 Side Cutter a For cast iron. a Cutter body with high-rigidity design. a Innovative vertical insert. a Economical 8 cutting edge insert. Ø80 mm .394" *Cutter bodies orders. are only available through special |Ø160 mm L094 90° KAPR ASX400 Side Cutter a High-precision non-grinding insert. a Economical 4 cutting edge insert. a Excellent wall surface precision with curved cutting edges and high-precision body. Ø80 mm .394" *Cutter bodies orders. are only available through special |Ø160 mm L095 90° KAPR CLASSIFICATION (BORE BORING TOOLS) L Product Name · Shape APMX Features CutterDia. Work Material Page BMR a Double positive breaker. a 12-corner type with right hand. a Body with peripheral cutting edge run-out regulator. ─ *Cutter bodies are special orders. only available through ─ L292 35° KAPR L009 INDEXABLE MILLING