INDEXABLE MILLING CLASSIFICATION (ARBOR TYPE) Product Name · Shape APMX Features CutterDia. Work Material Page For General Cutting a Double sided Z Geometry. WSX445 a Smooth chip discharge. Ø1.500" .197" | L018 45° Ø8.000" KAPR For General Cutting a Precision molded 20° positive insert. ASX445 a A wide range of chip breakers.a Screw-on type. Ø2.500" .236" a High rigidity due to employment of a carbide shim. | L030 45° Ø10.000" KAPR For General Cutting a Heptagonal double sided insert. AHX440S a Economical 14 cutting edge inserts.a Multi insert design for high feed machining.Ø1.500".118"|Ø6.000"L036L038 50° KAPR For High Feed Cutting a For General Cutting. AHX475S a Heptagonal double-sided insert.a Economical 14 cutting edge inserts.Ø2.000".063"a Multi insert design for high feed machining.|Ø6.000"L036L044 15° KAPR For General Cutting a Heptagonal double sided insert. AHX640S a Economical 14 cutting edge inserts.a Multi insert design for high feed machining.Ø2.500".236"|Ø8.000"L036L048 50° KAPR For High Feed Cutting for Cast Iron a Heptagonal double-sided insert. AHX640W a Economical 14 corner use.a Fine pitch design allows high feed milling.Ø3.000" .236" | L060 Ø12.000" 50° KAPR For High Efficiency Cutting for Cast Iron a Octagonal double-sided solid CBN insert. L AOX445 a Economical 16 corner use.(when depth of cut is 3mm) Ø63 mm 8 mm a High efficiency machining from roughing to | L069 finishing.45°a Easy operation and cleaning. Ø160 mm KAPR For High-efficiency Finishing of Aluminum Alloy a For high-efficiency finishing of aluminum alloys. Ø40 mm FMAX a Feed Maximum (FMAX) milling cutter for ultra |efficient and accurate finishing.Ø125 mm ≤.118" L070 Ø3.000" 90° | KAPR Ø5.000" L006 INDEXABLE MILLING