SQUAREBALLRADIUSTAPERCHAMFERROUGHINGEXCHANGEABLE HEAD END MILLS DC DCON EP7020EP7020 EXCHANGEABLE HEAD END MILLS iMX-S4HV-S- Inch Sizes 42° Square head, 4 flute, Irregular helix, With coolant hole 45° CARBIDE Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Cast Iron Tool Steel, Pre-hardened Steel,Hardened Steel Hardened Steel(<30HRC)(< 45HRC)(< 55HRC)Hardened Steel(>55HRC)AusteniticTitanium Alloy,Stainless SteelHeat Resistant AlloyCopper AlloyAluminum Alloy e u e e u Type1 APMX LH APMX Curved Edge DC <.500" DC>.500" 0 0 - .0008" - .0012" aIrregular helix controls vibration and achieves stable machining. aCoolant holes for each cutting edge enables a stable coolant supply. (inch) Grade Order Number DC APMX LH DCON No. ofFlutes Type IMX10S4HV0375MS .375 .375 .630 .363 4 a 1 IMX12S4HV0500MS .500 .500 .789 .488 4 a 1 IMX16S4HV0625MS .625 .625 .945 .605 4 a 1 IMX20S4HV0750MS .750 .750 1.181 .730 4 a 1 IMX25S4HV1000MS 1.000 1.000 1.500 .980 4 a 1 Note 1) The fastening size of the holder and head should be the same. (refer to J002) iMX-S4HV-S 42° J Square head, 4 flute, Irregular helix, With coolant hole 45° DC <12 DC>12 0 0 - 0.020 - 0.030 aIrregular helix controls vibration and achieves stable machining. aCoolant holes for each cutting edge enables a stable coolant supply. (mm) Grade Order Number DC APMX LH DCON No. ofFlutes Type IMX10S4HV10010S 10 10 16 9.7 4 a 1 IMX12S4HV12012S 12 12 19 11.7 4 a 1 IMX16S4HV16016S 16 16 24 15.5 4 a 1 IMX20S4HV20020S 20 20 30 19.5 4 a 1 IMX25S4HV25025S 25 25 37.5 24.5 4 a 1 Note 1) The fastening size of the holder and head should be the same. (refer to J002) J012 a : USA Stock