SPOTTIDNriGll PDoiRntIALnLgRleECOMMENDATIONS SPOTTING DRILL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SOLID CARBIDE AND QWIK TWIST DRILLS SSppoottttiinngg DDrriillll PPooiinntt AAnnggllee Spotting Drill Point Angle BEST Spotting drill angle is greater than the drill point angle. • First contact is at the drill point. • Best drill centering possibility. DDrriillll PPooiinntt AAnnggllee • Drill loading increases with penetration. Drill Point Angle SSppoottttiinngg DDrriillll PPooiinntt AAnnggllee ACCEPTABLE Spotting Drill Point Angle Spotting drill angle is the same as the drill point angle. • Tool loading problems can occur due to immediate full engagement. • Chatter may be a problem. DDrriillll PPooiinntt AAnnggllee • Reduced feed at entry recommended. Drill Point Angle • Good drill centering. SSppoottttiinngg DDrriillll PPooiinntt AAnnggllee Spotting Drill Point Angle NOT RECOMMENDED WITH CARBIDE Spotting drill angle is less than the drill point angle. • Point contact along cutting lips or corner - drill point should contact spotted hole first.. DDrriillll PPooiinntt AAnnggllee • Chipping likely in these areas. Drill Point Angle Spotting Drill Point Angle Spotting Drill Point Angle Drill Point Angle Drill Point Angle 675