MASTERTAP d1d1 d2d2 aa EG M High performance machine taps (STI) ISO Metric coarse thread DIN 8140-2 MASTERTAP 1 600P B-HL E-R45-HLl1 l3 l2 HSSE PM l1 HL l2 DIN DIN ~371 ~376 P M K P M K Material groups N S H N S H Hole type < 3d < 2,5d Quality of material HSSE-PM HSSE-PM Coating HL HL Chamfer B / 4-5P E / 1,5-2P Norma ~DIN-371(DIN-40435) EG M(STI) Ćd1 P l1 l2 l2R45l 3 Ć d2 a Tol. 6H mod. 6H mod. INDEX C4-118M01 C4-718M01 M2 2,520 0,40 50 9 5 14 2,8 2,1 2,10 6020 M2,5 3,084 0,45 56 10 5 18 3,5 2,7 2,65 6025 M3 3,650 0,50 63 12 5 21 4,5 3,4 3,15 6030 M4 4,910 0,70 70 14 8 25 6,0 4,9 4,20 6040 M5 6,040 0,80 80 18 10 30 6,0 4,9 5,25 6050 M6 7,300 1,00 90 18 10 35 8,0 6,2 6,30 6060 M8 9,624 1,25 100 20 13 39 10,0 8,0 8,40 6080 Norm ~DIN-376(DIN-40435) EG M(STI) Ć d1 P l1 l2 l2R45 l 3 Ć d2 a Tol. 6H mod. 6H mod. INDEX D4-118M01 D4-718M01 M10 11,948 1,50 100 15 15 - 9,0 7,0 10,50 6100 M12 14,274 1,75 110 20 20 - 11,0 9,0 12,50 6120 M14 16,598 2,00 110 20 20 - 12,0 9,0 14,50 6140 M16 18,598 2,00 125 20 20 - 14,0 11,0 16,50 6160 M18 21,248 2,50 140 27 27 - 18,0 14,5 18,75 6180 M20 23,248 2,50 160 30 30 - 18,0 14,5 20,75 6200 ISO Vc (m/min) P 5-40 5-40 M 5-15 5-15 K 10-30 10-30 N 10-30 10-30 S 1-8 1-8 Example of order Available from stock 86 C4-118M01-6030 On request Tap MasterTAP EG M3-6H mod. DIN-371 B HSSE-PM HL