d1 d2 a High performance machine taps NPTF American tapered pipe thread 800 NPTF 1:16, ANSI B-1.20.1 C600 1 P 1:16 l1 HSSE l2 DIN ~374 P M K Material groups N S H Hole type < 1,5d Quality of material HSSE Coating Chamfer C / 2-3P Norma ~DIN-374 NPTF Ć d1 1''/P P l1 l2 Ć d2 a Tol. INDEX D2-121101 1/8 - 27 0,941 90 15 7,0 5,5 8,45 4723 1/4 - 18 1,411 100 20 11,0 9,0 10,90 4727 3/8 - 18 1,411 110 22 14,0 11,0 14,30 4729 1/2 - 14 1,814 140 27 18,0 14,5 17,60 4731 ISO Vc (m/min) P 5-20 M 5-10 K 5-15 N 10-25 S - Example of order Available from stock D2-121101-4723 On request 83 Tap 800 1/8" NPTF ~DIN-374 C HSSE