9 TECHNOLOGIES Ramping Ramping is a technology that simultaneously applies three different cutting methods: Front insert – cutting with the primary edge (tool periphery) Front insert – cutting with the secondary edge (tool face) Rear insert – cutting with the secondary edge (tool face) An important parameter here is the ramp angle, i.e. the descent in the Z axis across the given stretch. Some tools (HFC) allow descending at a lower angle but with a higher feed, or allow a higher ramp angle with lower feed to be used. These angles or descents across the given section are listed in technical recommendations. Down at max. angle and horizontally back and down again at max. angle and horizontally back... There and back at a smaller (half) angle and last exit horizontally. Down at max. angle, back horizontally by length D and then down at max. angle, repeat straight... Down at max. angle, then up by length X and down again at max. angle. X = tg a (DC - W1) When choosing the feed speed, we advise following the recommendation given for slot milling. If the slot is deeper (i.e. first pass at an angle, second to level off), you must select one of four basic programme variants for the consecutive steps. Where: X Offset [mm] a Ramp angle [°] DC Diameter of the milling cutter [mm] W1 Insert width [mm] 775