695 WORKPIECE MATERIAL GROUP (WMG) 9 ISO group Subgroup WMG (Work Material Group) kvG Examples of material (AISI, EN, DIN, ČSN, GB, SS, STN, BS, UNE, AFNOR, ASTM, GOST, UNS, UNI, ...) K1.1 Gray iron, ferritic or ferritic-pearlitic with ahardness of < 180 HB1.35ASTM A48 Grade 20 (F11401), EN-JL-100, DIN GG-10 (0.6010), SS 0110, STN 422410, BS Grade 150,UNE FG10, GB HAT 100, AFNOR Ft10D, GOST SC 10, UNI G10​ Gray iron (GG)K1(iron-carbon castings with a lamellargraphite microstructure)K1.2Gray iron, ferritic-pearlitic or pearlitic with ahardness of 180 – 240 HB1.00ASTM A48 Grade 30 (F12101), EN-JL-1030, DIN GG-20 (0.6020), SS 0120, STN 422420, BS Grade 220,UNE FG20, GB HT200, AFNOR Ft20D, GOST СЧ20, UNI G20​ K1.3 Gray iron, pearlitic with a hardness of240 – 280 HB 0.75 ASTM A48 Grade 50 (F13501), EN-JL-1060, DIN GG-35 (0.6035), SS 0135, STN 422435, BS Grade 350,UNE FG35, GB HAT300, AFNOR Ft35D, GOST SC35, UNI G35​ K2.1 Malleable iron, ferritic with a hardnessof < 160 HB 1.39 ASTM A602 Grade M3210 (F20000), EN-JM-1130, DIN GTS-35 (0.8135), SS 0815, BS B340/12,UNE Type A, AFNOR MN 35-10, GOST КЧ35-10​ Malleable iron (GTS/GTW)K2(heat-treated iron-carbon castings with agraphite-free microstructure)K2.2Malleable iron, ferritic or pearlitic with ahardness of 160 – 200 HB1.13ASTM A602 Grade M4504 (F20001), EN-JM-1040, DIN GTS-50-05 (0.8045), BS P50-05, AFNOR MB 45-7​ K2.3 Malleable iron, pearlitic with a hardness of200 – 240 HB0.90ASTM A602 Grade M7002 (F20004), EN-JM-1140, DIN GTS-45 (0.8145), SS 0854, STN 422540, BS P45-06, UNE Typ B, AFNOR MP 50-5, GOST КЧ45-7, UNI GMN 45​ K3.1 Ductile (nodular/spheriodal) iron, ferritic witha hardness of < 180 HB1.23ASTM A536 Grade 60-40-18 (F32800), EN-JS-1030, DIN GGG-40 (0.7040), SS 0717, STN 422304,BS 420/12, UNE FGE 42-12, GB QT 400, AFNOR FGS 400-12, GOST ВЧ40​ Cast Iron Ductile iron (GGG)K3(iron-carbon castings with a nodulargraphite microsturcture)K3.2Ductile (nodular/spheriodal) iron, ferritic orpearlitic with a hardness of 180 – 220 HB0.94ASTM A536 Grade 80-55-06 (F33800), EN-JS-1050, DIN GGG-50 (0.7050), SS 0727, STN 422305,BS 500/7, UNE FGE 50-7, GB QT 500-7, AFNOR FGS 500-7, GOST ВЧ50​ K (castings of iron andcarbon alloys with > K3.3 Ductile (nodular/spheriodal) iron, pearliticwith a hardness of 220 – 260 HB0.76ASTM A536 Grade 100-70-03 (F34800), EN-JS-1060, DIN GGG-60 (0.7060), SS 0732, STN 422306,BS 600/3, UNE FG70-2, GB QT 600-3, AFNOR FGS 600-3, GOST ВЧ60​ 2 % carbon content) K4.1 Austenitic cast iron with a hardness of< 180 HB 1.14 ASTM A436 Type 1 (L-NiCuCr 15 6 2, F41000), EN-JL-3011, DIN GGL-NiMn 13 7 (0.6652), SS 0523,BS Grade F1, AFNOR FGL-Ni13Mn7, GOST S-NiMn 13 7​ K4.2 Austenitic cast iron with a hardness of180 – 240 HB 0.86 ASTM A439 Type D-2B (S-NiCr 20 3, F43001), EN-JS-3021, DIN GGG-NiMn 23 4, SS 0776, BS GradeS2M, AFNOR FGS Ni23 Mn4, GOST ЧН19Х3Ш​ Austenitic or austempered ductile iron K4 (Ni-Resist/ADI)(iron-carbon alloy castings with an austeniticK4.3Austempered ductile iron with a hardnessof 240 – 280 HB0.63ASTM A897 Grade 110-70-11​ or ausferrite microstructure) K4.4 Austempered ductile iron with a hardnessof 280 – 320 HB0.54ASTM A897 Grade 125-80-10, EN-JS-1100, DIN GGG-90 (5.3400)​ K4.5 Austempered ductile iron with a hardnessof 320 – 360 HB0.45ASTM A897 Grade 2 (150-110-07), EN-JS-1110, DIN GGG-100 (5.3403)​ K5.1 Vermicular, compacted graphite iron with ahardness of < 180 HB1.29ASTM A842 Grade 300, EN-GJV-300, DIN GGV 30, GOST ЧВГ30,​ Compacted graphite iron (CGI)K5(iron-carbon castings with a vermiculargraphite structure)K5.2Vermicular, compacted graphite iron with ahardness of 180 – 220 HB0.97ASTM A842 Grade 350, EN-GJV-350, DIN GGV 35 (5.2200), GOST ЧВГ30,​ K5.3 Vermicular, compacted graphite iron with ahardness of 220 – 260 HB0.75ASTM A842 Grade 450, EN-GJV-450, DIN GGV 45, GOST ЧВГ45,​