9 ROTARY BURRS – ICONS OVERVIEW Application Angle 60° 60° Countersink Drill Point 135° 150° Spot Drill Point 150° 135° 90° 90° Countersink Drill Point 180° Burr Cut Flute Style (BTC) Double Cut Geometry Aluminium Cut Geometry Superalloy Cut Geometry Steel Cut Geometry Fibreglass and Composite Materials CutGeometry Stainless Steel Cut Geometry Bolt Removal Cut Geometry Basic Standard Group (BSG) Dormer Standards Operations Deburring Deburring - Bolt removal operation 1 Curved surface deburring and carving Inverted back deburring Deburring - Bolt removal operation 2 Fillet radii deburring Plain surface deburring Closed groove deburring and carving Free hand deburring and carving Shoulder deburring Composite fibre routing Chamfer deburring V-groove deburring Other Icons Bolt size 221