9 MILLING TECHNICAL INFO Different applications for end mills The Metal Removal Rate (MRR) and the applications are strongly re- The recent Dormer catalogue was produced with simple icons that lated. For each different application we have a different MRR that in- show the different applications. creases with the engagement section of the cutter on the workpiece. Side Milling Face Milling Slot Milling Plunge Milling Ramping The radial depth of cut should be The radial depth of cut should be Machining of a slot for keyways. It is possible to drill the workpiece Both axial and radial entering into less than 0.25 of the diameter of no more than 0.9 of the diameter, The radial depth of cut is equal to with an end mill only with the the workpiece. the end mill. axial depth of cut less than 0.1 of the diameter on the end mill. cutting centre. In this operation the diameter. the feed has to be halved. Milling Effectively Types Of Cuts Climb Milling Versus Conventional Milling CLIMB MILLING CONVENTIONAL MILLING Chip formed Chip started max. thickness zero thickness Rotation Rotation Feed Feed In climb milling, the cutter revolves in the same direction as the table In conventional milling, the cutter revolves opposite to the direction feed. The tooth meets the work at the top of the cut, producing the of table feed. Therefore the width of the chip starts at zero and in- thickest part of the chip first. In horizontal applications the resultant creases to a maximum at the end of the cut. This can lead to accele- force created by climb milling can act as a clamping force, acting to- rated tool wear under some conditions. Conventional milling may be wards the machine table. advantageous when milling hot rolled steel, surface hardened and It is important to make sure that the machine tool has no leadscrew steels with a surface scale. backlash. Normally climb milling improves product surface finish and increases tool life. PERIPHERAL (CYLINDRICAL, SLAB) MILLING Peripheral Milling The milling of a surface which is parallel to the end mill axis. The radial depth of cut should be less than 0.1 of the diameter of the mill: ar < 0.1 DC. DC ar < 0.1 DC 208