PRECISION IS OUR STRENGTH D'ANDREA S.p.A. is an Italian company and world leader in the production of high precision accessories for machine tools, founded in 1951 by Marino D’Andrea, who started the business ZLWKWKHLQWURGXFWLRQRIWKHðUVWIDFLQJDQGERULQJKHDG7$ 7KH' $QGUHDEUDQGLVLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQLVHGIRUWKHTXDOLW\DQGUHOLDELOLW\RILWVSURGXFWVDQG boasts a distribution network that is present in over 40 countries. # MCQD@,@QHMN 3 32 3 Production is divided between the headquarters in Lainate, on the outskirts of Milan, with its 7,000 RPT@QDLDSDQRNEVNQJRGNO@MCL@M@FDLDMSNEjBDR@MCSGDOK@MSHM"@RSDK#DK&HTCHBD(RDQMH@ VGDQD#e -#1$ ,.+(2$OQNCTBDRLNRSNESGDRDLHjMHRGDCBNLONMDMSR SG@S@QDRTARDPTDMSKXjMHRGDC@RRDLAKDC@MCSDRSDC@SSGDL@HMRHSD 2