MHD’ USE ATTENTION 5RXJKLQJ DQG VHPLĺQLVKLQJ RSHUDWLRQV &XWWLQJ HGJHV 7RZRUNZLWKDVLQJOHFXWWLQJHGJHRUZLWKGLIIHUHQWFXWWLQJ might be adjusted on a pre-setting bench and TS heads GLDPHWHUVKDOYHWKHIHHGLQGLFDWHGLQWKHWDEOH FDQEHXVHGLQWKUHHGLIIHUHQWFRQĺJXUDWLRQV see page 92. pic.1 pic.2 pic.3 pic.1 with two SSCC bit holders pic. 2 with one SSCC bit holder and pic.3 ZLWKRQO\RQHELWKROGHUIRU aligned and on the same diameter one SMCC bit holder staggered and OLJKWURXJKLQJRUVHPLĺQLVKLQJ for roughing operations with high on a different diameter for roughing RSHUDWLRQV37SODWHDVVHPEO\ feedrate. operations with high depth of cut. required to protect the coupling surface. SSCC.. SMCC.. SSS.. SSTC.. SFSM..-15° SFSM..-30° SFSM..-45° SSQC.. MHD’ .. TS .. PT COVER PLATES REF. CODE d H L M PT 16 384765000160 16 7 14 M 3x12 PT 20 384765000200 20 8.5 17 M 4x14 PT 25 384765000250 25 10.2 21 M 4x16 PT 32 384765000320 32 13.9 28 M 5x20 PT 40 384765000400 40 17.4 35 M 6x25 PT 50 384765000500 50 21.4 47.5 M 8x25 PT 63 384765000630 63 26.4 62 M 10x30 PT 80 384765000800 80 33.9 82.5 M 12x35 22