Ø d1 Ø m1 S MHD’ Ø d1 Ø m1 S N·m MHD’ 14 14 10   MHD’ 16 16 10   MHD’ 20 20 13 3  MHD’ 25 25 16 3  The broad boring MHD’ 32 32 20 4 7-8 MHD’ 40 40 25 5 16 - 18 program completes MHD’ 50 50 32 6 30 - 35 the MHD line with a MHD’ 63 63 42 8 70 - 80 wide range of double-bit MHD’ 80 80 42 8 70 - 80 URXJKLQJKHDGVDQGGLJLWDO MHD’ 110 110 76 14 200 - 220 micrometric and centesimal MHD’ 140 140 76 14 200 - 220 ĺQLVKLQJKHDGV BASE CONNECTIONS Made TRD Double-bit heads that allow the TRE'LJLWDOPLFURPHWULFĺQLVKLQJ DFFRUGLQJWRWKH',10$6 combined high precision machining heads for high precision machining %7',1$16,&$7',1 RIURXJKLQJDQGĺQLVKLQJWKDQNVWR with IT6 tolerance grade. Showing 69893 and ISO 26623-1 standards WKHFHQWHVLPDODGMXVWPHQWUHDGDEOH of the adjustment on the integrated DQGEXLOWLQFDUEXUL]HGKDUGHQHGDQG on the vernier scale and which can GLVSOD\LVIDVWDQGDFFXUDWHDQGWKH ground steel 8000 RPM BALANCING. also be performed on the machine. TRE are protected from the liquids contamination according to the PR For each MHD size there are TRM Micrometric heads for high IP69K grade of protection. extensions of different lengths that precision machining with IT6 tolerance can be used to achieve the desired JUDGH7KHDGMXVWPHQWLVHDVLO\ BPS Aluminium bars for large machining depths. readable on the vernier scale and can diameter machining. Usable for both also be performed on the machine. URXJKLQJDQGĺQLVKLQJWKH\FRYHUD RD The reductions allow the use of ZRUNLQJUDQJHIURPWRPP MHD components of a smaller size TRC Centesimal heads for high WKHUHE\RSWLPLVLQJWKHFRPSRVLWLRQ precision machining with IT7 CHUCKING TOOLS The complete of the tool according to the overall tolerance grade. The adjustment is program of D’Andrea modular dimensions. HDVLO\UHDGDEOHRQWKHYHUQLHUDQGFDQ DGDSWHUVZLWK0+'FRXSOLQJZKLFK also be performed on the machine. VDWLVĺHVDYDULHW\RIPDFKLQLQJQHHGV RAV Anti-vibration reductions for IRUPLOOLQJGULOOLQJDQGWDSSLQJ GHHSRUKHDY\GXW\PDFKLQLQJ TRC HS e TRM HSB Centesimal (HS) and micrometric (HSB) heads TS6LPSOHDQGH[WUHPHO\ULJLG for high-speed machining. URXJKLQJKHDGVWKDQNVWRWKH serrated surfaces between the KHDGERG\DQGWKHELWKROGHUV7KH constant distance between the bit holder clamping screw and the FXWWLQJHGJHJXDUDQWHHVWKHVWDELOLW\ RIWKHV\VWHP 9